Qobuz' 2020 Gift Guide Out Now


Shore Fire Media

Qobuz, the first Hi-Res streaming service and the audiophile authority, is out today with its official gift guide for this holiday season.

See below for the Qobuz USA Team's hand-picked selection, and check it out here: https://try.qobuz.com/holidaygiftguide2020/

And if the music lover in your life needs Qobuz itself to get going with their gear or collection, The New York Times and USA Today recommend a gift subscription - see here: https://www.qobuz.com/us-en/offer-qobuz

Would you consider sharing Qobuz' Holiday Gift Guide, or would you consider including a Qobuz gift subscription in an upcoming gift guide?


The Arthur Brothers - Nine (Declared Goods) Hi-Res - $12.99 on Qobuz
Fascinatingly cinematic psychedelic rock album from British brothers. Demands repeated, deep listening.

Voces8 - After Silence (Voces8 Records) Hi-Res - $17.49 on Qobuz
"An essential release, a zenith of emotions which leaves a lasting impression."
© Pierre-Yves Lascar/Qobuz

Gang of Four 77-81 Box Set (Matador Records) - $131.24
A stunning, limited edition box set gathering Gang of Four’s influential early work, containing Entertainment! and Solid Gold (both remastered from the original analog tapes), an exclusive singles LP, and an exclusive live double LP. The package also includes two new badges, a C90 cassette tape of outtakes, rarities and studio demos and an epic 100-page, full-color handbound book.

Blue Note Classic Vinyl Series - $24.98
The Blue Note 80 Vinyl Reissue Series continues with Classic Vinyl—all-analog 180g pressings in standard packaging mastered by Kevin Gray, directly from the original master tapes. The series launches on December 11 with McCoy Tyner's The Real McCoy and Lee Morgan's The Sidewinder.

Berliner Philharmoniker Christmas Package - $169
12-month ticket to the Digital Concert Hall + 2 DVD/Blu-ray


AudioQuest DragonFly Cobalt - $299
Qobuz's #1 choice for a portable Hi Res DAC.

iFi Aurora - $1399
A great all-in-one table unit that looks unique and sounds terrific. Qobuz Hi-Res streaming support integrated.

Grado Hemp Headphones - $420
One of the best sounding Limited Edition headphones.

SVS Prime Wireless - $599.99
Hi Res WiFi powered speakers. All you need is a free app to control Qobuz.

Comply™ Foam Tips 2.0 Compatible with AirPods™ Pro - 3 for $24.99
Apple's supplied Silicone tips for the Air Pod Pro's are very good; the Comply tips are bananas excellent! They are far more comfortable, and provide a better seal.


Kathy Valentine - All I Ever Wanted - $26.95
A memoir from Kathy Valentine, bassist for The Go-Go's, the most successful all-female rock band of all time. A wild ride of sex, drugs and rock and roll from the co-writer of "Vacation" and "Head Over Heels."

Rock’s Backpages - 1 year for $220
Rock’s Backpages is a library of music journalism from 1960 to today. Helmed by the legendary Barney Hoskyns it's a music lover's rabbithole of info.

3 months for $90, 6 months for $165


Sound Mind's mission is to end the stigma surrounding mental health and mental illness through the power of music. Sound Mind's mental health music festival and numerous live (and livestream) events bring together musicians, music lovers, and forward-thinking organizations to build community and open dialogue around mental health - leveraging the power of music to catalyze social change.

Harmony Project harnesses the transformative power of music to increase access to higher education for underserved students by removing systemic barriers to achievement

Jail Guitar Doors provides musical instruments and mentorship to help rehabilitate incarcerated individuals through the transformative power of music.

Road Recovery is an entertainment industry non-profit organization dedicated to helping young people battle addiction & other adversities by empowering at-risk youth to face their struggles, while teaching them comprehensive life skills.

Music Unites supports music education around the world. WhyHunger is working to end hunger and advance the human right to nutritious food in the U.S. and around the world. Since day one, WhyHunger and its co-founder, the late musician and activist Harry Chapin, have been mobilizing artists and their fans to raise funds, build awareness and spark action in food justice.

WhyHunger is working to end hunger and advance the human right to nutritious food in the U.S. and around the world. Since day one, WhyHunger and its co-founder, the late musician and activist Harry Chapin, have been mobilizing artists and their fans to raise funds, build awareness and spark action in food justice.


Qobuz Subscription

Qobuz offers a premium and holistic music listening experience for music lovers, audiophiles and everyone in between with Hi-Res streaming (FLAC 24-Bit up to 192 kHz) and downloads plus exclusive editorial content.

Subscriptions start at $12.49 per month. Give the gift of unlimited Hi-Res streaming with a gift subscription for 3 months, 6 months or 12 months.

December 10, 2020 3:05pm ET by Shore Fire Media  

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  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/2Loy5v7


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