Ride Baby Ride - Sovereign

Released 25th January 2023 by Tabitha Records


Tabitha Publishing Limited

Ride Baby Ride
ISRC: GBLBK2400003

Sovereign are a band based on the Caribbean island of Trinidad, and Ride Baby Ride, this is the first single release from their twelve track CD, Buried Treasure, which will be available in the summer of 2024.

The band was formed by Mark Fojo and Simon Galt who have spent many years writing and recoding music for advertisements and jingles for television and radio that were heard across the Caribbean and Florida in the USA.

Uniquely, Sovereign, with Mark and Simon, has two very strong and individual voices and their blend is quite unusual. Having worked so closely together they decided to form a band and work on original material that reflected the exotic and feel good environment of the islands and combine it create a fresh commercial sound.

Graham Sclater, CEO of music publisher Tabitha Music Limited heard their early demos and knew he had to work with them. They signed to Graham’s indie UK record label Tabitha Records and sister music publishing company Tabitha Music Limited and together they recorded their music in Trinidad resulting in the full length eclectic album.

“Ride Baby Ride,” the first release from Sovereign is a slow-paced, smooth and dreamy track and once heard you will not be able to get it out of your head.

“Ride Baby Ride” is released in January 2024 by Tabitha Records and will be available on all the usual download sites from 25th January.

Contact: graham.sclater52@googlemail.com

January 7, 2024 7:00pm ET by Tabitha Publishing Limited  

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  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/3RmPrqF


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