Composer Randy Edelman Releases Romantic “The Italian Star” via Tribeca Records 3/8/24 & Fragrance


World Star PR

“Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold” — Zelda Fitzgerald

New York 3/8/24: Composer Randy Edelman unveils his sensitively written romantic song “The Italian Star” and as a tribute to the amour “Sue Phillips House of Fragrance” will launch “Italian Star” by Randy Edelman on March 16, 2024 inspired by the beauty of the song. The ballad unfolds on the Grand Canal in Venice where there isn’t any more significant thrill that can pass through the human heart as precious as love.

“The Italian Star” is the second single released from Randy’s delightfully exquisite Re-mixed ten track album “Everything is Possible” containing songs taken from a record lost in Sweden some years ago. Some things make sense the second time around. Music changes, social climate changes, the universe changes. If we keep ourself confined to first chances only, we will truly miss out on sone of the most beautiful things in life… like “Everything is Possible” and “The Italian Star.”

The award-winning composer is acclaimed and valued for writing over 100 soundtracks for film and television (Last of the Mohicans, My Cousin Vinny, Ghostbusters ll, MacGyver). His songs have been covered by some of the greatest artists on the planet including Barry Manilow (A Weekend in New England), Patti LaBelle (Isn’t it a Shame), Nelly (My Place), The Carpenters (You), Olivia Newton-John, Dionne, Warwick, Willie Nelson, and so many more.

The entire history of Venice is said to be intimately linked to Cupid. It is no wonder that the modern day “Cupid of Music” Randy Edelman would share words like “But Darlin’ I loved you from the start” in the midst of a beautiful melody embraced with the fibers of sympathetic threads. Randy creates the first flushes of love to heartbreak and loss putting emotions to words and musIc.

“The Italian Star is available on all digital platforms worldwide and “Italian Star” perfume will be available upon request.

Stream “The Italian Star” On Spotify here:

The official website for Randy Edelman may be found at:

Source World Star PR

March 8, 2024 12:55pm ET by World Star PR  

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