Short Film - Autonomous The Bus - Premier for streaming online


Yellow Rhinestone Records

When the world famous pop-star NEAIME, in her fancy Limo, heads to yet another sold out concert, her PR-consultant and spin-doctor, IDA, forces Neaimé to travel the last couple of hundred meters in an environmental friendly, self-driving BUS - in an attempt to better Neaimé's reputation, shamed by endless flights and Limo-trips, leaving a far to big carbon footprint. Neaimé reluctantly enters the little Bus, with her fur flapping around her long, elegant legs, and with her mobile as a distraction for the 500m long symbolic parenthesis in her hectic life. But nothing turns into the expected when Neaimé is forced to share a space already too small for both her fur and her ego, with the annoying veteran KARL. Prejudices, shame, deep hidden fears and unwanted attraction and passion surface, as the peaceful little bus, advancing at 10km/h, turns into an emotional steam boiler, ready to explode. When Neaimé and Karl exit the Bus, 500 meters and a lifetime later, their worlds have changed forever, and new, unexpected doors have opened to the future


THE BUS is a short film, about what might happen, when a peaceful, self-driving bus, halts the high tempo of people hurrying through life, and creates meetings that get under the skin of our well polished Facebook facades. The film is a celebration of new sustainable solutions, incarnated in the meeting between an innovative self-driving bus, and a woman who decides to opt for a more sustainable life - also for the soul.

Birgitta Liljedahl
Therése Neaimé
Henrik Norman

Birgitta Liljedahl

May 21, 2024 9:35am ET by Yellow Rhinestone Records  

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