RATIOS Release New Single 'Take a Stab'


Let's Go Music News

Hailing from the east of Ireland, RATIOS are an indie-rock trio returning with their brand-new single ‘Take A Stab’, slated for release on September 15, 2023.

Back in September 2021, the band formed as a guitar and drums duo. Dan O'Shaughnessy and Liam Brady entered the studio to release their debut single ‘Yellow Ribbon’ which they were aiming to both draw some attention to their sound and attract a bassist to join. Mike O'Sullivan discovered the duo in an ad that the band had published. He became a driving force behind the band’s sound and invited a whole new platform for them to experiment creatively.

Since then, RATIOS have showcased their diverse rock and other genre flavourings in iconic venues like Whelan’s, Fibber Magees, and The Workman’s Club, performing loud, raw, and energetic shows.

Returning with their brand-new single, ‘Take A Stab’, the creation almost dates back ten years; the three-piece lineup revived and fully developed the lyrics and structure in 2022. Dan had penned lyrics and a rough structure back in the day before the trio cemented the complete track.

‘Take A Stab’ expresses boredom, frustration, and a lust for life in a small town, urging the storyteller to retreat. Moments of sheltering himself from his mundane surroundings provide a resonating feeling that will strike a chord with many listeners.

On the song, RATIOS says,

“During a rehearsal session, Dan said that he had a song idea that traced back to around 10 years ago. As soon as we heard the main riff, we knew this song would be our next release. The hooks and ideas kept coming once we started to develop it, even more so when it came time to enter the studio. It’s the most accomplished song we’ve released so far, and we love the different sounds that are layered on this track. We think the sound reflects each of our influences while also bringing something fresh into the current rock sphere. Lyrically, all three of us can relate to the main sentiment of the song – a feeling of discontent with what’s around us and wanting something more. We want the world to present a means of escape from our mundane surroundings and to go on to something bigger. The song evokes a feeling of setting out a challenge – for the world to ‘Take a Stab’ at you and see what you can do."

RATIOS are paving their way into the music scene with their promising sound. 'Take A Stab' is out on all streaming platforms. For updates on RATIOS, please visit their social media and streaming platforms.

September 15, 2023 11:31am ET by Let's Go Music News  

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  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/3RolkAr


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