Bathtub Swimming Releases New Single 'Tonight'


Let's Go Music News

Hailing from Tulsa, Oklahoma, multi-instrumentalist dynamic duo Bathtub Swimming warm listeners with their captivating vocals and wide-ranging sound.

Bathtub Swimming returns with their brand-new single ‘Tonight’. They bring in a bright and rhythmic production combined with introspective and original lyrics to form an eclectic and unique experience inspired by their most admired genres.

‘Tonight’ is infused with dreamy and empowering vibes. The genre-blend of ambient-pop and lounge sounds uses electric piano, drums, synthetic bass, electric guitar, and vocals in the production.

The original plan for the song was to have a slow-moving pace, melancholic keys, and a bass that built anticipation before launching into an evocative romantic scene. The song's lyrics describe someone waiting for a buddy or a date to arrive for an outing that has been mutually scheduled. The protagonist departs the scene in a self-realizing moment that she is in charge of her night and chooses to enjoy a good night on the town by herself after realising she was stood up. She takes the disappointment of being left behind and turns it into personal strength.

On the song, Bathtub Swimming says, “‘Tonight’ showcases solitary enjoyment and self-empowerment.”

Bathtub Swimming's musical prowess is on full display in ‘Tonight’, which also highlights the multi-instrumentalist dynamic duo’s rising passion, devotion to artistic progress, and musical talents. Their most recent release, which complements their whole musical record to date, demonstrates their artistry.

February 16, 2024 6:29am ET by Let's Go Music News  

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