Barrett Releases Debut EP 'Quit Dreaming'


Let's Go Music News

Hailing from Nashville, Barrett is a female-fronted alternative band. The group, which consists of drummer/producer Alex Murphy, guitarist Declan Nelligan, guitarist Matt Rock, and singer Addi Barrett, takes great satisfaction in delivering what they refer to as "skatepark pop" to your ears.

Barrett’s debut EP, Quit Dreaming, encapsulates the band's objectives. Instead of just sitting around "dreaming" about it, they are putting themselves out there and creating. Stated differently, diving in headfirst and anticipating to encounter other swimmers. The lesson one should learn is to not be afraid to speak up for oneself and engage in some productive societal rebellion.

The four tracks blend elements of alternative rock and pop-punk, capturing the inventiveness of various soundscapes with rhythmic precision. With its intriguing productions and captivating vocal notes, Quit Dreaming, defies genre conventions, compels listeners to dance, and demands that they do so.

The opening track ‘Don’t Tell’ discusses a relationship where at least one person is attempting to hide things. The tune has clear-cut pop-punk elements with some fun tempo shifts. The narrator makes it clear that there is a certain allure to keeping things concealed since they won't continue forever, whether that's because they know this relationship isn't healthy for them or because they worry other people won't approve of them.

‘Oh No! (Everybody Hates Me)’ is about taking back control of your social anxieties and constant overthinking. Blending elements of alt-rock and R&B with a rhythmic impact, the song's lyrics, which are meant to be a touch satirical, should speak to everyone who regularly questions their relationships, even with close friends and family. Out of all the tunes on the EP, this is the toughest song to not dance to.

The dopamine rush from ‘Passenger Princess’ is intense. Barrett has crafted something that is more in line with mainstream pop music. It conveys a picture of innocent illusion and fantasising about an imaginary person. That kind of music makes me want to host a sleepover and sing along to karaoke.

The final song, ‘Crash and Burn’, is an anthemic, alt-rock-heavy climax that tightly connects the whole compilation. The song's lyrics address themes of karma and learning from mistakes, as well as constructive criticism directed at the former employer who was acting in a bullying manner. To further portray the narrator's growing rage, they intended to emphasise the reward of a melodic and musical shift from gentle and lovely into gritty and harsh.

Barrett’s debut EP, Quit Dreaming, is a celebration of tenacity as much as a statement of determination. The fact that the whole record was recorded at Alex Murphy's home studio is evidence of the band's reluctance to give in to the demands of a business that frequently values uniformity above originality. The band wants to create a sound that is fresh and nostalgic at the same time, but above all, it's just enjoyable to be a part of. For the band members, this project is about rediscovering what originally drew them all to music. Their sound style lies at the intersection of quiet and gritty, with influences from bands like The Killers and Paramore.

The band met in writing spaces and recording sessions across the city at various points in their academic and professional life. This collaboration came about as a result of their decision to work together on new songs towards the end of 2022. The four of them wrote, arranged, and recorded the entire EP themselves; crowdfunding and a mix of their own funds made it feasible.

On the release, Barrett says, “‘Quit Dreaming’ is about redefining pop/punk for a new home-studio generation. With this project, we want to launch a new wave of early 2000's nostalgia. We hope that these songs grab the hand of Gen-Z-ers journeying through adulthood.”

In Barrett's ever-evolving catalogue, Quit Dreaming, is the ultimate work. With the band's distinctive sound developing throughout the course of the four tracks, the EP is the result of years of artistic experimentation.

May 20, 2024 7:23am ET by Let's Go Music News  

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