The new EP: 'MAD WORLD' by Abstract Source

Release Date: 10th june 2021


Decent Music PR Limited

Mad World is about the delusion of supremacy.

Whether we think we are superior because we are white or male or heterosexual or able-bodied etc, It's all an illusion. Which in the words of the song can cause 'so much pain and confusion'.

I have put to bed certain childhood fantasies like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but 'the fool in my heart still dares to dream' about a time when there will be equality for all regardless of gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and the like.

I suppose the message of the song is despite the fact that we live in a society where there is so much inequality, if our sense of freedom comes from within then we can feel completely unfettered by society's constraints.

When we stop feeling the need to keep up with the `Joneses, when we dress how we like without worrying what anyone thinks, when we follow our dreams, when we truly learn to love ourselves and embrace the person we were always meant to be that's real freedom and it's within our grasp.

'We've got the strength to survive in this mad, bad world we're living in'. Yes we really have.


Music means everything to Jules and after a chat about the many layers of his career, he reveals more than a few surprises. From his past DJ exploits playing on a desert island in Malaysia, a Chinese temple for NYE or, closer to home at Dalston's bustling Superstore.

He possesses a unique energy which fills his long white walled studio in Brick Lane, enthusing about the artists he’s collaborated with, like techno pioneer Russ Gabriel on 'The Return EP'. He's most at home among LED lights, flickering buttons and pulsing switches, while drum machines and sequencers roll effortlessly into action to reveal new tracks.

After a spell running the label Abstrakt Dance with techno kingpin Colin Dale, Jules is now focussing on his Abstract Source sound. From the lush house of ‘Day to Night’ on Chicago’s Large Records to the gyrating drum & bass of ‘Tell Me’ on London’s V Recordings. His music has found its way into some esteemed places: Peter Gabriel's Cue Songs have picked up the rights to his catalogue while Finlay Cowan (Pink Floyd Illustrator) has commissioned him to soundtrack a new project, the intriguing 'Subway Slim'.

Jules is currently developing a music therapy project aptly named DMT (Digital Music Therapy) which stems from a recent bout of chronic insomnia. He has already delivered sound workshops to over 200 people and a second album is on its way.

Click Image for
Abstract Source's Website

May 30, 2021 11:20am ET by Decent Music PR Limited  

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