Get Ready For The New Release By Ervin Munir, 'Carolynn'


Global Sound Group

On February 17th, singer-songwriter Ervin Munir from Norfolk will release his newest single, 'Carolynn' on all major streaming platforms.

After the triumph of his previous release, 'She Never Made Old Bones', in the folk and country music scene, Ervin is back, but this time with a spin! Through his creative and thought-provoking music and wordplay, he explores the viewpoint of the companion of someone who is depressed. However, he presents his message in an upbeat and optimistic manner, turning despair on its head.
Ervin said about the release: "This song is written from past personal experience of being the partner of someone who was depressed. I needed to express how I felt at the time. Despite the subject, it is an upbeat song."

The breadth of human emotion and life experience on display here is vast, and Ervin communicates a lot of it in a compelling and relatable manner. Likewise, his music flows with sentiment, and his finger-picked guitar and earnest vocal have a magnetic quality that draws listeners in right away!

So, get ready for the return of Ervin! His new single, 'Carolynn', will be out on the 17th of February; it is not one to miss! Also, be sure to check out the live studio video, recorded at Abbey Road, which is available now on YouTube.

January 24, 2023 2:48am ET by Global Sound Group  

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