Duchess releases 'Gurlz'


Goryl Records

Duchess returns with her brand new single, 'Gurlz'. After working on her EP since her last release, 'Breakup Sex', Duchess teases us with the second single from her upcoming debut EP titled 'Bad Girl'.

The pop/electronic fusion, produced by Patch Boshell, delivers a sensual production with grand instrumentation, atmospheric vocals, and a bass-heavy beat driven by an infectious chorus. The emotion-drenched vocal adorns the instrumental that shines and sparkles at every turn. 'Gurlz' explores sexual desires and Duchess frustration towards her relationship with a man, commenting on her experiences of finding men complicated at times and drawing focus that girls know what girls like.

Duchess is an emerging artist, singer, and songwriter originating from the United Kingdom. The talented artist is quickly making waves in the scene with her unparalleled sound and eclectic style. Inspired by her life experiences, Duchess seeks to create music that will inspire people around the world. The quickly rising artist paints a blank canvas with her lyricism that many will find relatable.

Source Goryl Records

May 21, 2021 12:37pm ET by Goryl Records  

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