Leo Aram-Downs releases 'A Life Abbreviated'


Goryl Records

'A Life Abbreviated' is the first single from Leo’s new EP 'We All Have Our Place, Part 1.' Conceptualised, written and produced in 2020, 'We All Have Our Place' is a 2-part EP dedicated to geographical nostalgia.

It started as an attempt to document feelings of memories that are deeply tied to our sense of place and seeing new sides of the world for the first time. That said, as the pandemic developed and got more extreme, the project also became a rumination on what it's like to be restricted in a way we'd never experienced as a society before.

Raised in London and living in Brighton, Leo Aram-Downs is a singer, songwriter and multi instrumentalist. His music comes from a unique blend of influences ranging from fingerstyle acoustic guitar to jazz to tech metal, and everything in between. Since graduating from The BRIT School and Goldsmiths, Leo has been touring, gigging and writing constantly, keeping up a prolific and diverse output of music. In 2019, he completed his Year of Everything, releasing 54 songs in the space of a year.

Source Goryl Records

May 22, 2021 1:28pm ET by Goryl Records  

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  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/2RwF0G8


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