J. Levi releases 'Cada Mañana'


Goryl Records

This song is so many things. It starts as an ode to the 10-day road trip J. Levi wife and he took from Orlando, Fl to Sacramento, CA after she got accepted into PA School. This song is also an ode to her Puerto Rican and Domincan heritage that he has been a blessed recipient of.

'Cada Mañana' is about having fun, enjoying the ride, and living in the moment. This is J. Levi third single, he has dropped so far. He has 7 more fully recorded and ready to drop (plan is to release every month).

J. Levi blend Pop, R&B, and Hip-Hop elements effortlessly because that's who he is personally. He can sing and play guitar with the best of them but then can hop on a beat and absolutely go off.

Source Goryl Records

July 3, 2021 9:50am ET by Goryl Records  

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  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/3jEPq23


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