No More Shooting Stars

Undersound returns with ‘No More Shooting Stars’ from his highly anticipated album…

Release Date: 26/4/2019


Lander PR

‘No More Shooting Stars’ is Undersound’s newest creation. The LP titled track is a song about the age-old feeling of love lost. Cardiff based, Undersound AKA Gareth Evans says it about “feeling like hope is lost and the questions that arise of how to go about moving on and beginning to recover.”

Undersound has previously worked on a variety of labels winning radio support from; London Electricity, BBC Introducing Wales, Friction and Huw Stephens (BBC Radio One), DJ Lord (Public Enemy).


Renowned as a Drum and Bass artist, Undersound is back in 2019 with a Lo-Fi ballad which is one of the artists’ more relaxed tracks which sets you back into a dreamy daze and fills your body up with euphoria. Undersound’s latest LP displays his eclectic skills and quality musicianship with each song bringing a variety of flavours to the table.

NEXGEN MUSIC is a worldwide independent record label group recognized for its pioneering sound representing underground and cross-mainstream music.

Converging from countries across the globe, NexGen artists, composers and musicians showcase their talent of creating music that "pushes the envelope."

Source Lander PR

March 8, 2019 9:30am ET by Lander PR  


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