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Sunday, July 17, 2016 6:59am ET by  
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Bono escaped Bastille Day terror attack in Nice, France

It has emerged today that U2's frontman Bono was caught up in the recent Nice terror attack, which left 84 people dead and many more injured

The rocker was on the terrace of La Petite Maison, which is located next to the seafront in Nice, when Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove a large white truck through the crowds of people gathered for Bastille Day celebrations. 

Anne-Laure Rubi, the owner of La Petite Maison (pictured below), explained the events that unfolded to the press: "Suddenly I saw people running, without shouting. It was a silent panic – it was extraordinary."

She added to La Parisienne magazine that she noticed Christian Estrosi, the former Mayor of Nice, was also in the restaurant so she went to him and asked what was going on: "He was on the phone. He didn’t want to say much. I think he was just learning about the attack."

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Watch an interview with Bono here:


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