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Saturday, February 18, 2017 8:18am ET by  
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James Blunt: 'Middle of the road music is more dangerous than any other kind'

Singer-songwriter James Blunt has revealed that releasing "middle of the road" music is much more challenging than people think. 

He chatted to Q magazine about reviving his music career after taking some time away and explained that the genre he falls under is a difficult one to navigate because it tends to attract a lot of criticism: "Middle of the road is more dangerous than any other kind of music so f**k off with your whining."

"It's all well and good you shouting from the safety of a pavement about how uncool MOR music is but then you can - you're on the pavement. We're the dudes who are living dangerously in the middle of the road, with oncoming traffic and no central reservation. I'm like Nigel Mansell. You may think it's dull as f**k, but that's just because we make it look easy."

Check out some of Blunt's new material here:

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