Thursday, May 12, 2011 9:52am ET by  
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David Lynch to give speech at IMS

Creative mastermind and music producer, David Lynch, will deliver an address to the International Music Summit (IMS) later this month in Ibiza. 

The star, who famously directed 'Twin Peaks' and 'Mulholland Drive', will broadcast the keynote speech via satellite from his recording studio in Hollywood to the Ibiza Gran Hotel on May 28. He will open up about his current music project from its inception to its completion, and explained:

"12 months ago Jason Bentley from KCRW gave a track I made with my engineer Big Dean Hurley to Ben Turner and Rob da Bank of Sunday Best Recordings, and we return this year to chat about the full-length album we have just completed."

"We'll talk about the music and how it came to be and exist. We had such a blast making it and I am honored to be a part of the International Music Summit."

Watch his new conceptual commercial for his own coffee brand here:


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