Friday, November 4, 2011 7:28am ET by  
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"Credible evidence" that Bieber fathered Mariah Yeater's baby

The lawyers for Mariah Yeater, who claims that teen sensation Justin Bieber is the father of her 3-month-old son, claim they have "credible evidence" to support her case. 

It was announced earlier this week that a paternity lawsuit has been filed against the 17-year-old Canadian hitmaker after 20-year-old Yeater told the world's media that they slept together backstage at one of his concerts. 

Now, her lawyers Lance Rogers and Matthew Pare have issued a statement that explains she isn't after a significant sum of money from the pop star and just wants the support she deserves:

"(She) is pursuing a modest and rightful claim. There is credible evidence that Justin Bieber is in fact the father of her baby. We call upon Justin Bieber and his attorneys to reach out to resolve this issue in a reasonable manner."

Bieber's team have addressed the situation, but only to say: "While we haven't yet seen the lawsuit, it's sad that someone would fabricate malicious, defamatory, and demonstrably false claims."

"We will vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to defend and protect Justin against these allegations."

Watch the 'Baby' singer perform a freestyle rap below:


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