Friday, September 28, 2012 4:01pm ET by  
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Tulisa on strained Kelly Rowland relationship

'Live It Up' singer Tulisa Contostavlos has included an anecdote in her new book, 'Honest: The Story So Far', that reveals how strained her relationship with former X Factor colleague Kelly Rowland really is.

In the autobiography, Tulisa explains that after bumping into the 'Motivation' songstress in a nightclub she was shocked by her icy reception:

"A few months after the series finished, I was in a nightclub in Los Angeles when I spotted Kelly talking with a friend, so I went over to say hello. The X Factor was all done and dusted for the year: surely she wouldn’t still be miffed about the whole Misha incident?"

"'Hey, you all right, Kelly?' I smiled. 'How you doing?'. 'Oh, hey, boo-boo, how are you?' she said, and then held up a perfectly manicured finger. 'Just give me one second.' Then she turned away and continued chatting with her friend but she never turned back or even acknowledged me once for the entire rest of the evening."

She concluded: "That was the last I saw of Kelly Rowland."




Watch her latest music video below:


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