Friday, April 26, 2013 7:31am ET by  
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Lauryn Hill confirms she is working on new music

Lauryn Hill has confirmed speculation that she is working on new material.

The singer, who is facing sentencing for tax evasion, said in a post on Tumblr that she has signed a deal with Sony to create her own label.

It was reported that she had signed a contract worth $1m to record five songs, but Hill suggested that the figure was wrong. She said:

"It has been reported that I signed a new record deal, and that I did this to pay taxes. Yes, I have recently entered into an agreement with Sony Worldwide Entertainment, to launch a new label, on which my new music will be released. And yes, I am working on new music."

The former Fugees star added: "The nature of my new business venture, as well as the dollar amount reported, was inaccurate, only a portion of the overall deal. Keep in mind, my past recordings have sold over 50,000,000 units worldwide, earning the label a tremendous amount of money (a fraction of which actually came to me)."

Hill has pleaded guilty to not paying taxes on $1.8m (£1.2m) that she earned from 2005 to 2007.

The singer is due to face sentencing on the matter on May 6.





Watch Lauryn Hill performing live below:


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