This week Stone Soul has been answering questions put to him by Matchbox Recordings.

Plus watch out for his own new reality show, coming soon!

M.R.  So why don't you introduce yourself to our readers?

 S.S. My name is Mr.Jason Stone also known as Stone Soul.

I’m a recording artist, music producer, song writer and actor.

I’m of Trinidadian, Vincentian and Brazilian decent.

I currently reside in Montreal Canada.


M.R.  How did you get yourself involved in the music scene. 

S.S. I started dancing in talent shows at the age of 8 and also had a passion for writing music and beatboxing. My talent was recognized quickly by masters in the music business.  I then started recording and mixing music in New-York city with some of the greatest music engineers in the world such as Tony Black, Dave Kutch and Christ Trevett.


M.R.  What are your music influences?

S.S. Michael Jackson, Tupac, Notorious B.I.G, Too Short, David Guetta, Dr. Dre , Will I.Am and Daft Punk.


M.R.  What's your songwriting method?

S.S. Music melodies and lyrics come to my head on a constant basis. I could be in the shower, in the studio or just freestyling when I’m home alone.


 M.R.  What was it like to work with Chris Trevett?

 S.S. It is an amazing experience.  I’ve been working with him for almost ten years.  He’s not just the world’s best engineer he’s also a good friend.


 M.R.  ‘Party Today’, Why don’t you tell us more about the writing and recording process?

 S.S. The minute I finished the production of the beat, I immediately started writing the chorus and the reason  It came out the way it did  is because of the intensity of my thoughts.  This song is dedicated not to the people that just want to party tonight, this afternoon  or evening but to the ones that want to party today.


M.R.  Why the title?

S.S. Because it’s not about yesterday or tomorrow. Because having a good time is about the moment and the moment is right now.


M.R.  What’s been one of the most hilarious moments you have been while touring or playing a gig?

 S.S. When I did my video for the song I’m going crazy, the 600 pounds tiger that was in my house got so scared when he saw himself in the mirror, roared so loud, he scared the whole camera crew outside the house.  The recording of the video was stopped for four hours.


 M.R.  So what's next?

 S.S. Producing my sister Alyssa’s album. She’s also a recording artist in the same genre as me. I consider her the female version of me. My reality show, The Stone Soul experience is being produced this fall.  Kids will be taught about wild animals and how to interact with them and also how to develop their creativity in music.


M.R.  Where can we find more about your music?

 S.S. My website.

You can find my links to Twitter, Facebook and my Youtube channel there!

August 23, 2013 7:44am ET by Matchbox Recordings Ltd  

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