London based singer-songwriter ABI MIA releases new music inspired by 2020 and global awakening

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The Online Recording Studio

Abi Mia - London- launched onto the independent music scene with debut single ‘Fly Your Way’ Working with producer Noah Lloyd, Abi Mia has now released her singles ‘This Life’, ‘Enough is Enough’ and ‘Here To Stay’ across all major platforms, with her newest single 'Make Myself Tall' coming on March 19th 2021.

Taking influence from powerful & soulful female artists such as Alicia Keys, Demi Lovato & Kelly Clarkson - Abi Mia has developed her unique songwriting and performance style. With Abi Mia, you’ll find that she has a confident and powerful voice with elements of soul. She also performs with a live piano/keyboard at some of her shows, something which sets her apart from some artists within the genre. Abi Mia writes her original songs from the heart - always inspired by her experiences and things happening in the world. She also finds it essential to get that emotion across in her performance so she can connect with the audience, something that is reflected in her lyrics.

Abi Mia’s debut single ‘Fly Your Way’ was written at a crossroads in her life when she chose to start doing what she felt was right for her, to play to her strengths, reach for her dreams and not worry about what other people may presume or expect of her. It was the first song she had written in more than ten years, and it felt like 'coming home' to what she was supposed to be doing. ‘Fly Your Way’ is an empowering, coming of age track with similarities to a Kelly Clarkson power ballad.

‘This Life’ veers away from the conventional power ballad style with a more current pop sound. The original song was written a long time ago and then revamped in 2020 ready for its release. Ironically the message is quite relevant and relatable to what is happening in the world at the moment with the COVID-19 pandemic. The key message of the song is how we can make life plans, be organised but sometimes life has its ideas, and you just have to go with the situation. Things are sometimes beyond our control and its best to just go with it in those moments and to make the most of it.

‘Enough is Enough’ is an anthem with a powerful global message. A wake-up call to get us out of our way to make a better world. To be active not passive in changing the world for the better -something very relevant for the current worldwide situation.

'Here to Stay', her most recent release is a deeper, more emotional track than her previous releases. She believes it is important to be able to express all types or real emotion through her music and generally as a human being and feels that many can connect to the emotion of the song.

‘A rich and inviting piano opens the release and sets the scene beautifully as to what is to come. Abi Mia’s vocals enter and instantly take the reins of the single.’ (FVM music blog)

Abi Mia says about this song, “ My next single ‘Here To Stay’ is a more personal, intimate and emotional track than my previous releases. It is about how we all have things that have happened to us in the past that we want to forget, but just when we think we have forgotten, it comes back into our minds when we least expect it.”

She concludes, “It is sometimes hard to truly move on from negative things from our past completely, they may always be at the back of our mind, but we will try our best!”

Abi Mia is thrilled to share her upcoming single ‘Make Myself Tall’ with the world on March 19th 2021! It is an empowering song written in reaction to someone in her life putting her down constantly. This song is about realising you don’t need people in your life who think they are better than you and constantly put you down. Just because they think their way is right it doesn’t mean it is the only way to be successful! It is up to use to make ourselves tall and not to let others put us down. We are in charge of how we react to situations like that. We choose our destiny and should not let anyone tell us otherwise! The powerful vocals in this track promise to back up with empowering and uplifting message!

When it comes to Abi Mia's background, music and singing have been part of her life since she was of school age and has always been a much-loved hobby. Another passion has always been Health and Fitness, which she has turned into a successful Personal Training business as well as competing in Weightlifting competitions. Abi Mia now wants to pursue her music professionally, writing and performing songs that can inspire, uplift, empower and bring people together. Abi Mia's goal is to become a published songwriter for other notable artists, films and adverts as well as becoming a successful and respected performer and artist in her own right.


Abi Mia is an independent singer/songwriter from London, UK. Abi Mia writes her original songs from the heart - always inspired by her experiences and things happening in the world. She also finds it essential to get that emotion across in her performance so she can connect with the audience, something that is reflected in her lyrics. Taking influence from powerful & soulful female artists such as Alicia Keys, Demi Lovato & Kelly Clarkson - Abi Mia has developed her unique songwriting and performance style. With Abi Mia, you’ll find that she has a confident and powerful voice with elements of soul with her performing with a live piano/keyboard at some of her shows.

To book Abi Mia, or for any further information, please contact Jenna Clarke on

December 16, 2020 8:55am ET by The Online Recording Studio  

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