REBEKKA KARIJORD announces London & Dublin concerts

Shares video for 'Mother Tongue' ft Mariam The Believer & Linnea Olsson. Stockholm composer to bring fearless album addressing the realities of fertility, childbirth & womanhood to Heath Street Baptist Church this May

Following the release of her moving new album Mother Tongue at the start of the year, Stockholm-based composer & performer Rebekka Karijord has announced May live dates in London & Dublin.

Today she gives a glimpse at the scale and power of the live show, with this video for the album’s title track, shot on February 18th at Södra Teater in Stockholm. In this performance, she is joined onstage by Mariam Wallentin (WIldbirds & Peacedrums, Mariam The Believer) and Linnea Olsson. The set design was made by theatre stage designer, Anna Heymowska.

Largely written following the traumatic arrival, three months early, of her first baby, Mother Tongue is a fearless piece of work. It not only tells of the pain of this period of her life, but also draws links between the agony of nearly losing her daughter, and much of her pregnancy before then spent in Hawaii, where her husband’s family live. As one of the world’s most remote archipelagos, it helped return her to both her Northern Norwegian roots and the very core of her being.
“The secluded feeling of being so far out in the ocean, the strong currents and non-control one is faced with when meeting the huge masses of water: these are good metaphors for the feelings I went through.” In fact, she describes pregnancy and parenthood as “the biggest lesson in non-control. Being pregnant was such an amazing and freaky feeling at the same time. It’s another body, taking whatever it needs, regardless of my opinion.”
Unashamedly sentimental at times, Mother Tongue represents a bold statement, both musical and thematic. Born of instinct, it’s about the connection we all feel, but sometimes ignore, to what’s inside us, and the need to listen to our intuitions. That it does this against a backdrop of music as visceral and heartfelt as its subject makes it all the more exceptional.
Rebekka Karijord will play the following shows:
May 17th – London – Heath Street Baptist Church
May 19th – Dublin – Unitarian Church
Mother Tongue tracklist:
1. Morula
2. Waimanalo (Soundcloud)
3. I Will Follow You Into The Wild
4. The Orbit (Soundcloud)
5. Your Name
6. Six Careful Hands
7. Home (Official video)
8. Stones
9. Statistics
10. Mother Tongue
11. Mausoleum
Dance Umbrella Use My Body While It’s Still Young
Mother Tongue pre-order link
Rebekka Karijord on Facebook

For more information please contact / t. +44 7812 607 230 

Watch the video for ‘Mother Tongue’ (live): 

April 12, 2017 5:59am ET by Stereo Sanctity  

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