BBC opens public song submissions for Eurovision 2018!

BBC Studios has today opened the public song submissions to find the UK’s entry for the 63rd Eurovision Song Contest in Lisbon, Portugal next May.

As last year, all public entries will be carefully considered and shortlisted by a representative panel of official UK Eurovision Fan Club (OGAE UK) members. At the same time, entries are also being sought from leading professional songwriters, with guidance from Record Industry Executive and Music Consultant for the BBC, Hugh Goldsmith.

Hugh Goldsmith says: “The ESC in Lisbon 2018 promises to be yet another fantastic contest and I’m determined that we, the UK, are able to build on our excellent showing of 2017 thanks to Lucie Jones’ superlative performance of the powerful ballad, Never Give Up On You. To this end I am, again, looking for songs with emotive lyrics, memorable melodies and brilliant productions. However, success at Eurovision can also be about originality and the element of surprise. So, please also send us your songs if they are creatively fresh, brave and a little bit different!”

Guy Freeman, Editor, Special Events and Formats, BBC Studios said: "For anyone out there who thinks they have a brilliant song that can resonate with millions of people around the world and the 2018 jurors this is your chance and we'd love to hear from you."

A final shortlist of songs, from either route of entry, will again be showcased to TV viewers, who will have the chance to vote for their favourite in Eurovision: You Decide, details of which will be announced later this year.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 27 October.

Information on how to submit a song for consideration can be found at

The 63rd Eurovision Song Contest will take place at the MEO Arena in Lisbon, Portugal next May.

September 30, 2017 6:20am ET by BBC One  

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