Interview with Jessica Gunning who plays Diane in The Outlaws - returns May 30 (UK) & May 31 (US)

The gang is back for season three of the comedy-thriller from Stephen Merchant, coming to BBC One, BBC iPlayer and Prime Video

Premieres with all five episodes on Friday, May 31 on Prime Video. Available to view on Prime Video in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Nordics.



May 20 - Interview with Jessica Gunning who plays Diane in The Outlaws which returns for season three on May 30 (UK) & May 31 (US)

Can you introduce us to The Outlaws?

The Outlaws follows a group of people from all walks of life who are doing community service together, and I play the Supervisor, Diane. I have to look after them whilst they do their community payback and keep my eyes on them, but they get up to lots of mischief behind Diane’s back.

What can viewers expect from season three of The Outlaws?

The gang are back, Diane is here, still as a Community Payback Officer, and she is training up a new character, Stan, played by Harry Trevaldwyn. He is a superstar. Best person ever. Love him to bits. So, Diane’s training him up, and she’s also a PCSO, as at the end of series two she graduated.

What are some of the traits Diane has?

She’s persistent, she’s good at her job, she’s ruthless, no-nonsense, she never misses a trick - or so she thinks! Hard working, dedicated, loyal. She is a big fan of Haines, who is a police officer in the series. She tries her best and in a dream world she would become a police officer.

Is there anything Diane wants more than to be a police officer?

I don’t think there is anything more that Diane wants than to become a police officer. Maybe an American police detective. She’s Cagney & Lacey’s number one fan. Apart from that I think that’s her main goal is to follow in Haines’ footsteps and become a police officer. Does she get there? You’ll have to wait and see.

What is the toughest challenge that Diane faces this season?

I don’t want to give too much away, but her loyalties are tested. In one moment, she has to question whether Haines is the woman she thinks she is. I think that was a tough moment for her. That was the toughest test.

Do you have a favourite unlikely friendship in the show?

I think an example of an unlikely relationship is Gabby and Greg. I think they’ve got a really cute friendship storyline throughout the series, and you really root for them as mates. Also Myrna and John. You really see a closeness. And with Diane and Stan, her new protégé, hopefully there’s a little friendship brewing at the end of the series with them.

Are there any stand out scenes you filmed this series?

All of my favourite scenes were the ones we filmed on the City Farm in Bristol. It’s so amazing to see it all come to life. Some of the places were already here on the farm itself, but our props and our art departments did all the signs, built this massive shed, which I just think is amazing. And seeing all The Outlaws back in their tabards.

Is there a storyline or performance that stands out for you in this new series?

I’m going to have to give a shout out to Harry Trevaldwyn (Stan), because I was a massive fan of his before he joined the show and he’s been amazing. I think he’s so funny as Stan, and I’ve absolutely loved working with him. I think he’s a stand-out for me.

Can you tell us more about Stan and Diane’s relationship?

Diane and Stan have quite a cute little friendship. She’s his superior. He’s probably the only person who’s looked up to her, so it’s all new to her. But she kind of loves it. He idolises her. He thinks she’s like a West Country Lizzo, which really makes me laugh. They’re just really sweet together. It’s really nice to see Diane have someone like Stan, and really hang on her every word, like her little nuggets of wisdom are correct all the time. I think it’s a really cute friendship and hopefully the audience will root for them as much as I do.

What are the themes in the new series?

Crime. I guess there’s also a sense of revenge in some of the court cases that are happening. Friendship, loyalty, tying up loose ends, and potentially murder. And Gabby is trying to get pregnant, so I think there’s a nice little theme there, and questions about whether she would be a good mum or not.

What has it been like reuniting with the cast this season?

It’s been lovely all being back together, and I felt very lucky that I was in the writers’ room this time as I co-wrote an episode with Stephen, episode five. It’s been really exciting to be a part of helping draft the storyline for series three and get to know the characters more than I did before.

What was it like working with Stephen as a writer?

I feel really lucky to have been asked into the writers’ room. Occasionally on series one and two, me and Stephen would ad-lib little bits, or John Butler and I would come up with little alternative lines here and there for Diane, so I was always really involved and liked watching how it was done, and I think Stephen recognised that and asked would I like to join the writers’ room. I’ve learnt so much from him and all of the writers, and it was a real honour to see it all come to life.

How is it working with and ensemble cast?

I love working with ensemble casts, I love feeling part of a big group, a big family. It’s my favourite way to work. Also, I think the characters are so well written for this, and all of the actors seem to know their characters by now, so I think you could put us in any scenario and everyone would know how everyone would react, which is really testament to the show itself, to Stephen and the creatives of the show, but also to the actors who play those parts. Everyone does it so well and one of my favourite things is just to watch how everyone takes their lines, how everyone does the scene and what choices everyone makes. I love working in an ensemble, the more the merrier.


PRIME VIDEO INFORMATION: The Outlaws are back for Season 3 of star/creator Stephen Merchant's comedic thriller will premiere with all five episodes on Friday, May 31 on Prime Video. Available to view on Prime Video in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Nordics.

Source BBC One

May 29, 2024 3:00am ET by BBC One  


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