Body on the Beach: What Happened to Annie?

Journalist Hazel Martin reflects on the new documentary series

New documentary for BBC Three and BBC Scotland looks at the mystery around Annie Börjesson's death


BBC Three

How did Annie Börjesson die?

This question has been asked again and again by Annie’s friends and family, ever since her body was discovered on Prestwick Beach in Scotland on the 4 of December, 2005.

Quickly labelled a tragic suicide by the authorities, Body on the Beach: What Happened to Annie? examines a mysterious and puzzling series of events around the death of the 30-year-old Swede who lived in Edinburgh.

Fascinated by Annie’s story, Scottish journalist Hazel Martin investigates. “I was only 13 when Annie died but the story of her death has always stayed with me,” she says. “Many people, her friends and family included, believe that Annie was actually murdered. The question is – could they be right?”

Along the way Hazel pieces together the strange series of events leading up to Annie’s death, revealing disturbing differences in the forensic analysis and coming up against a wall of secrecy and classified documentation.

We spoke to Hazel about what was uncovered…

Source BBC Three

July 3, 2023 5:00am ET by Pressparty  


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