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Wednesday, February 17, 2016 10:05am ET by  
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Camila Capello on Shawn Mendes: 'We had countless panic attacks'

Fifth Harmony's Camila Cabello took time out from the Universal Music Grammy after party on Monday (February 15) to tell Hollywire what it's like to write with Shawn Mendes and be part of Taylor Swift's 'Girl Squad, she said:

'Taylor, Selena, that whole kind of girl squad that she formed, like, everybody is so supportive of one another. Like, you saw Taylor and Selena walking the red carpet together and, you know, we cheer each other on.

"We're really supportive of each other. She gives me advice and she has my back and I have her back just like all of the girls.

"It's amazing It's so important to have that in the music industry as otherwise you're like 'Oh my God! I'm alone and afraid, so it's good to have somebody who is next to you who is like, 'I've got you, it's OK.'

Speaking about the upcoming Fifth Harmony single, she said:

"The new single is coming out really, really soon but can't say how soon ... I think someone has already tweeted about it. The girls and I are really really excited about it.

"Our music is up a couple of notches. We worked with MXM and other really good producers. We kind of have a stamp on the messages we like to give out: girl empowement and having fun.

"Sonically, it's music you can dance to. The level of music has evolved."

Speaking about her connection with Shawn Mendes, she said:

"Honestly, last summer we had countless panic attacks that we were there with each other for. We've gone through pretty big moments together, you know, like with the song that we wrote."

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Watch Camila Cabello be interviewed by Hollywire and her performance of 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' on The Ellen Show with Shawn Mendes yesterday (February 16) below:



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