Grenfell Tower relief support by Pressparty

Pressparty are helping to co-ordinate the support effort by finding out what is needed, so that we can try and aid the staggering amount of victims, survivors and families of Grenfell Tower, which is now an eerie public crematorium on London's skyline.

Grenfell Tower relief effort currently needs storage units for clothing and perishable items. If you think you can help or know someone who can, please get in touch.

UPDATE (JUNE 17): A storage company in Acton, Magenta Storage, close to Latimer Road, got in contact (June 16) after seeing this press release, and with their incredible help we managed to co-ordinate free storage for one month for 400 boxes. However, the relief support is still in desperate need of more.

We did try and go through the council but we were frustrated waiting, so went straight to ground level and along with the amazing volunteers at the Acklam Village collection centre, managed to sort it out together.

If you are based in the UK and able to help with storage, please get in touch so that we can try in some way, however small, to alleviate some of the suffering of those who have literally been left with nothing. 

Anyone affected by the Grenfell Tower fire, either directly or indirectly, and in need of mental health support or psychological therapy, can call the following NHS number on 0800 0234 650 or email for 24/7 support.

June 15, 2017 10:01am ET by Pressparty   Comments (0)

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