Starring Giovanna Lancellotti and Danilo Mesquita, Ricos de Amor has now official trailer & key art


Netflix, Inc.

São Paulo - Good life, money, farm, tomatoes and women sum up the routine of Teto, played by Danilo Mesquita (Spectros, Éramos Seis, Segundo Sol). Son of the all mighty Teodoro (Ernani Moraes), known as the Tomato King, the future heir to the empire of plantations and factories watches his life turn upside down when he meets Paula, as revealed by the trailer that has just been released.

Different from Teto, Paula is a down-to-earth girl who studies to be a doctor and dreams of her independence. She is played by Giovanna Lancellotti (Shippados, Segundo Sol, Sol Nascente), actress who is debuting on Netflix. The streaming service has also released the key art of the film.

Just about to celebrate his birthday, Teto feels surprised when his father tells him what gift he will get that year: a job. Yes, the sweet days of the Tomato Prince are over. The Tomato Festival, a traditional party in his city, is perhaps one of the last chances to enjoy the easy life - by the way, Brazilian world famous DJ Alok makes a special appearance in the film. To the sound of some electronic and sertanejo music, Danilo Mesquita's character meets the medical student played by Giovanna Lancellotti.

Hoping to win her heart, and also grabbing the chance to prove his worth to his father and to himself, Teto lies about his roots and says he has a humble background. This is the first of many lies that will cause him serious trouble in Rio de Janeiro. His best friend Igor (Jaffar Bambirra), son of farm workers, accompanies the spoiled and rich young man in his romantic and messy adventure that also involves Trancoso's HR consultant Alana (Fernanda Paes Leme), the fierceless Monique (Lellê ), in addition to Raíssa and Kátia, Paula's friends played by Bruna Griphao and Jeniffer Dias, respectively.

Ricos de Amor is written by Sylvio Gonçalves (SOS Mulheres ao Mar, Confissões de Adolescente) e Bruno Garotti (Cinderela Pop), who is also the film director. Julio Uchôa (SOS Mulheres ao Mar 1 & 2, Eu Fiko Loko), from Ananã, is the producer.


About Ananã

It was founded in Rio de Janeiro in 1996 by Júlio Uchôa, who has the following titles among the main films in his resume: Sem Controle (2007); Show de Bola (2008), a Germany-Brazil co-production; Chico Xavier (2010), executive producing; S.O.S. Mulheres ao Mar (2014); S.O.S. Mulheres ao Mar 2 (2015); Eu Fico Loko (2017), Soundtrack (2017) and Veneza from Miguel Falabella (2019). . Ananã also contributed to the production of Captain America: Civil War (2016), the part that was filmed in Brazil. In addition to feature films, Ananã has also produced several other works such as documentaries, advertising campaigns, TV shows and events.

Source Netflix, Inc.

April 10, 2020 5:05am ET by Netflix, Inc.  

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