Masked Musicians, Freddie Fiction Release Debut Single ‘I Don’t Dream’

Mysterious London/LA singer hits the UK with new band and video

New band Freddie Fiction hit the UK with debut single ‘I Don’t Dream’. Fronted by a very successful artist, he is currently keeping his identity under wraps, or should I say mask?

The dark, soulful acoustic number is a melancholic ‘anti-love song’ with the sound of a mournful Jose Gonzales. You can see the video here:

Soon to be followed by the satirical tracks ‘Pistol Pete’ and ‘Big Corporation’ – songs stacked full of wit and strong social messages – ‘I Don’t Dream’ serves as a gentle but shadowy introduction.

The band might remain very much a mystery at the moment, but fans of their music will have the chance to find out more by participating in an exciting treasure hunt to reveal the man behind the mask and the identities of the rest of the members. Some fantastic prizes are also available, so stay tuned!


February 11, 2014 10:49am ET by WeLoveMusic247   Comments (0)

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