Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:36pm ET by  
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Will.i.Am's emotional reunion with favourite school teacher

Black Eyed Peas hitmaker Will.i.Am appeared as a guest on U.S. broadcaster Katie Couric's daytime talk show yesterday (October 25) and was overwhelmed to be reunited with someone special from his past.

While he was on the programme to promote Ekocycle, which is his new recycling initiative with beverage giant Coca-Cola, Will.i.Am talked about a teacher from his old school named Ms. Montez who helped him to 'change his life'.

Couric then surprised the 'Boom Boom Pow' music mogul by bringing Ms. Montez out on stage and he fought back tears as she praised him: "My best memories of Will is (sic) he was just... he feels like family to me, even after all this time, to me, he just feels like family. I'm proud of everything (he's done), but he's so philanthropic, I just respect that so much."

He then added: "Encouraging a kid, especially when they come from nothing, it goes a long way. You don't know where I would have been if it wasn't for people like Ms. Montez."




Watch Will.i.Am reveal what his "#YOLO" is below:


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