Ben Limpic Releases New Project "Issabelle"


World Star PR

Ben Limpic became first known outside of San Diego, Ca for his work in the 2015 William H Macy directorial debut "Rudderless."

The San Diego native is a combination of alternative musician, singer/songwriter, and producer. Ben has released a modest catalog of music including, "Issabelle" a June 2020 studio release by Limpic in partnership with Spectra Music Group.

Mikal Blue and Robert Adam Stevenson both renowned in their own rights, produced the six-song EP at Revolver Recordings in Thousand Oaks Ca.

Ben has toured bars, small venues, and the occasional historical landmark across the USA and UK. Often A solo acoustic act, Ben developed an emotional, witty, and cutting style reminiscent of classic songwriters.

Watching and listening to Ben Limpic perform at The Hotel Cafe in Hollywood Ca. is one of the surest ways to understand the essence of what is happening in his heart and mind. Limpic says,"Ideally, I take my feelings and direct them to a crowd, in a vulnerable way. If I do a good job, the people at my show have an opportunity to feel those feelings and respond to them emotionally and uniquely."

Make sure you pick up the new EP "Issabelle" today at iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and more. Stream on Apple Music, Amazon Music Unlimited and Spotify!

Follow Ben Limpic on Twitter @BenLimpic

The official website for Spectra Music Group may be found at:

For more information or to request an interview or radio station copy, send your request to:

Source World Star PR

June 11, 2020 12:40pm ET by World Star PR  

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