Mija shares "Bad For U" video from upcoming debut EP

Yesterday Mija announced her highly-anticipated debut EP, How To Measure The Distance Between Lovers, set for release early next year. The first single "Bad For U" featuring Portland DIY artist Kelli Schaefer sees Mija further embracing her "FK a Genre" ethos, a sonic departure from anything she's released to date. The video (directed by Ryan Farber) is an ethereal single-take shot dispersed with glitchy cut-aways and artful but eerie imagery. Watch the video below and look out for more new music coming soon.
Mija and Kelli Schaefer are also playing at the next FK A Genre show at LA's Fonda Theater on December 16th. Tickets are available here.

Watch "Bad For U" feat. Kelli Schaefer below.

"Mija presents a different kind of EDM artist, one more subtle and studious than the hype suggests." - PITCHFORK

"Mija Is EDM's Last Great Hope... ["Bad For U"] plays like future blues, fusing the uncanny effects of Oneohtrix Point Never with thebass-scaping of Burial and the crystalline beauty of Björk." - VICE

"great, and also its miles away from anything else she's done" - NOISEY

"It's a delicious first taste to whet your whistle for what is sure to be an exciting project." - BILLBOARD

"A trim and busy effort from the eclectic LA-based artist" - MIXMAG

December 1, 2017 4:17pm ET by Pressparty  

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