Kyonna F. Brown, The Forgiveness Expert Presents: Live It, Do It, Be It!3-Day Confidence Mastery CourseOFFICIAL PRESS RELEASENEWS PROVIDED BY Chandra Gore Consulting This conference will boost your confidence and will also reveal your confidence blockers. This is the year of rebuilding and restoring. This is the third step of forgiveness. Attending this conference will be a life changing experience. THIS IS AN ONLINE COURSE February 18, February 19 and February 20 Activate change in your life and get ready to: AGENDA The webinar link will be sent to enrolled participants prior to the start of the course. COST: $47 (early bird) / $67 (regular) - Limited Seats Available IT'S TIME TO REBUILD! AboutKyonna F. Brown is the Forgiveness Expert. She utilizes her forgiveness strategies on multiple platforms. She is a God-fearing woman who found creative ways to champion over depression as an adolescent at the age of 10 years old, teenage obesity and drug abuse into adulthood. As a result of these life experiences, Kyonna spent four years in a maximum security prison as an inmate. Audience gasp when they hear about Kyonna's forgiveness journey! Kyonna's path to success created a fighter. She is a Show Host, Speaker, Coach, Author and Entrepreneur.
Source Chandra Gore Consulting
January 7, 2020 8:17pm ET by Chandra Gore Consulting |