How a red phone box and his parents' romance 50 years ago inspired singer Ragsy's moving new video

‘My Love’ is a beautiful song of love, life, loss and wanting with an iconic video depicting a true love story………..

‘My Love’ (Bring out the Guards) is the second single to be taken from Ragsy’s popular debut album ‘Ouch!!!’ featuring the beautiful haunting voice of Welsh based singer-songwriter Caroline Harrison. With Ragsy’s raw, classic rock-inspired vocals the two artists combine to tell a fragile tale of love, life, loss and wanting.

This video is based around an iconic red telephone box and is a true love story told by Ragsy’s parents of a time early on in their courtship, a time when there were no house phones and certainly no mobile phones. Distance never became an issue and was overcome as the couple would arrange to call each other at certain times of the day at the red telephone box situated at the end of the street. Sometimes even a passing neighbour would answer the phone and dash to Ragsy’s mother’s family home to tell her that Frank (his Dad) was on the other end of the line. It’s a simple, true tale of love conquering all. Which is in keeping with the theme of the song. 

Following his time on BBC’s The Voice in 2013, under the mentorship of Sir Tom Jones, Ragsy has performed to numerous crowds at UK festivals including, Wakestock, Brecon Fringe, How The Light Gets In, Ponty’s Big Weekend and Glastonbury to name a few. Ragsy has received radio support from Lynn Bowles, Mike Read, Jamie Owen, Wynne Evans and Eleri Sion, and recently he was BBC Radio Wales Artist of The Week. 

Ragsy’s impassioned performance of Coldplay’s ‘The Scientist’ on BBC’s The Voice has received over 2 million views on YouTube.

For more information on how to get a copy of the latest single ‘My Love’ and debut album ‘Ouch!!!’ please visit http://www.ragsymusic.com


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March 3, 2016 5:30am ET by Concrete   Comments (0)

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