Nervous City Nervous Self Releases New Single 'Act V'


Let's Go Music News

Nervous City Nervous Self is the artistic moniker of Swedish singer-songwriter David Josephson, who has unveiled his latest single ‘Act V’.

The captivating track merges genres of pop, singer-songwriter, and folktronica. The sonic masterpiece is a romantic ballad with melancholy undertones over a dreamy production featuring bass, bells, strings, guitar, drum machine, synthesizer, and chilling vocals.

‘Act V’ is a collaboration between Nervous City Nervous Self and producer Diamond Heist. They sent files back and forth between Uppsala and south of Sweden, the latter where Nervous City Nervous Self is currently located, and the result is a blend between an electronic dream-pop world and the equally other-worldly lyrics. The song was written a while back by Nervous City Nervous Self but has only now found its definitive shape.

‘Act V’ reveals a moment of bliss and birth under a vast honey-dripping sky. Although it is the final act, the fact is that it is a moment for re-birth. The next day, a new play, a new chance – for the lover and the clown, whose frown is just a smile upside down. And for Hedda Gabler, (the main character in Henrik Ibsen´s theatre play) only she knows, and the words that she whispers are spreading like wings of birds once kept inside but now released to the world, like drops of honey falling through the stratosphere.


Born and raised in Stockholm, Nervous City Nervous Self is a nomadic, electronic folk-project that began in Berlin after the artist went into voluntary exile. He currently lives and works in the less nervous countryside of southern Sweden.

Nervous City Nervous Self is notable for declaring “I shall become Sweden´s Leonard Cohen or die!” He was greeted with skepticism since Sweden has never been a nation known for making bold statements. A skepticism that eventually forced the singer into German exile – in the streets of Berlin where countless prophets and poets wander their way, the artist experienced a new sense of kinship. And it was there, during a visit at an art exhibition about German expressionism that the embryo of Nervous City Nervous Self was created. 

The Early Fears, his debut album, was released in 2023. The first single ‘G-d Knows What’ is a melancholic and introspective track with an extroverted beat, which gathered attention through national radio in several European countries.

Accumulating press coverage across Jammerzine, Our Culture Mag, Queen City Sounds, and Where The Music Meets, Nervous City Nervous Self has presented himself as an exciting music talent with a lot of promise for the future.

March 17, 2024 9:30am ET by Let's Go Music News  

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