Danny B The AirHead Releases New Single 'Good Noise'


Let's Go Music News

Essex artist and producer Danny B The AirHead returns with his brand-new single ‘Good Noise’.

The hip-hop and rap offering has an upbeat production that features drum samples, electric piano, bass, piano, bass, and strings. The vibrant production of ‘Good Noise’ is paired with cool vocals that will draw the listener in immediately.

Danny B The Airhead's ‘Good Noise’ was produced at home. He was in the car with his very father before he made this track, and as they were listening to his music library quietly, an old-school rap song began to play. All he can remember is the rapper's flow. The final three syllables of each bar stood out, and he recalled replaying it in his mind over the following few weeks. He realised he was onto something amazing the moment he was able to record his rendition of that flow. He understood that more people needed to hear this song, so he held onto it for six years since it was that excellent. He wanted to wait until he had a larger fan base and better ideas for how to promote it. This song did not deserve to get lost in the never-ending crowd if he had released it when he initially made it all those years ago.

On the track, Danny B The Airhead says, “I didn't have anything in mind when I first wrote it, but listening back I realise I subconsciously wrote a song about being surrounded by a group of people who have a positive influence on you. They uplift you, inspire you, and most importantly, bring joy to your life.”

Accumulating press coverage across Plastic Magazine, HipHop Paranoia, and Illustrate Magazine, Danny B The Airhead has presented himself as an exciting emerging talent with a lot of promise for the future.


From Essex, 27-year-old producer and musician Danny B The AirHead composes, records, and performs all of his own songs. He can sing and rap, and he can also play the steelpan, drums, and piano. He began writing when he was fourteen years old, and at sixteen he began to produce. 'BARs are WICKed' was his debut EP, which he uploaded to SoundCloud when he was eighteen. Since then, he has continued to produce music and play live in Essex and London. His single "16" was broadcast on BBC Introducing Essex in 2021.

March 17, 2024 10:31am ET by Let's Go Music News  

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  Shortlink to this content: https://bit.ly/4cjdlNe


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