NJ Taylor talks about Pop Army

Excitingly we at Press Party have managed to secure an exclusive interview with Montreal's own Pop Patriot NJ Taylor.

1. Let's tell our readers more about you and your music, Is 'Pop Army' your 
debut UK single?

Actually “Pop Army” isn’t my debut single. My debut single is “I Don’t Care” which was released in 2013 but it wasn’t pushed in the UK. My first single that was released in the UK is “So You” which is the first single off my debut EP.

2. What was your main inspiration when writing the track?

I wanted to write this song as an homage to pop music and all the big influential pop figures: ABBA, Michael Jackson, Madonna, David Bowie, Prince, etc. My inspiration was music and how music is a reflection of a society, a nation and how it impacts all generations. Music is so powerful, it makes you think, it makes you feel and that’s what I wanted to explore in “Pop Army”.

3. How do you want 'Pop Army' to make the listener feel?

I just want people to feel like dancing and having a good time. It’s a fun song. Just get up and dance!

4. Where did you film the video and what inspired the idea behind it?

The video was shot at NOMAD Industries in Montreal, Canada. The production team was inspired to create the video around the actual inspiration I had for writing the song. In terms of dance, costumes and concept I would say the inspiration was mainly drawn from Madonna, Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga. I wanted a video that would be glittery. My original idea was to have two rows of people dressed in black with white glittery army helmets marching like an army. The team took my inspiration and instead they duplicated me in the video, which is a very cool effect.

5. Finally where is your dream venue to perform this track?

Wow that’s a great question! I don’t have a dream venue to perform this song. My dream is just to be able to perform it as at many venues and events as possible.


Well there you have it, an NJ Taylor exclusive interview just for our readers at Press Party. Checkout NJ's super sparkly video for Pop Army now!

April 11, 2016 10:30am ET by Fifth Element PR  

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  Shortlink to this content: http://bit.ly/1Vi78Wy


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