Rachael Sage teams up with Vision Aid Overseas to release ‘PseudoMyopia'

Rachael Sage Releases Acoustic Reimagining of Her Award Winning Album 'Myopia'

Beguiling singer/songwriter Rachael Sage returns with ‘PseudoMyopia’, and once again illustrates her depth and talents as a musician and performer. The album focuses on the concept of vision – including narrow mindedness – in all its many manifestations, whilst highlighting the dexterity and ingenuity of Sage’s musicianship.

The title ‘PseudoMyopia’, a condition that is more commonly known as short-sightedness, is used as a metaphor to describe society’s often short-sighted approach to diversity and difference, whilst the album as a whole shows us how to challenge and change this type of bigotry. Throughout the album Sage encourages and emboldens her listeners to explore and challenge the prejudices that they are privy to both internally and externally.

The album’s title also has a personal meaning for Sage, who is legally blind without corrective lenses. It is because of this that she has decided to team up with Vision Aid Overseas to help provide glasses to people living in low- and middle-income countries.

A staggering 1.2 billion people worldwide cannot see clearly simply because they do not have a pair of glasses, and 89% of those people affected live in low and middle-income countries. Vision Aid Overseas have been working across Africa for over 30 years, helping some of the world’s poorest and most isolated communities to access affordable and sustainable eye care services and glasses so that children can learn properly in school and adults can work and earn a living to provide for their families. 

Sage said about the partnership, "It's a privilege and an honor to be representing such an important organization. As a visual artist who has been legally blind without glasses for most of my life, I certainly know just how life-changing the resources are that Vision Aid Overseas provides, and I'm eager to do whatever I can to cast light on the vital work that they do!"

Just £5 is enough to provide an adult or a child with a life-changing eye test and pair of prescription glasses, please donate today: https://www.visionaidoverseas.org/donate/donate/credit-card

June 11, 2019 11:19am ET by Fifth Element PR   Comments (0)

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  Shortlink to this content: http://bit.ly/2WvaIQj


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