Saturday, April 5, 2014 7:00am ET by  
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Lady Gaga reveals her simple rider requests

Lady Gaga has given an insight into how she prepares to go onstage by sharing her pre-show requests.

As part of her MTV takeover, Lady Gaga told presenter Sway Calloway that her rider consists of a simple spread of food and drink.

Whilst eating a turkey sandwich backstage at the Roseland Ballroom, Lady Gaga informed MTV:

“A lot of people I think have really nice riders. I don't know. I don't like to waste stuff. So we have cold cuts and water and there's whiskey there and champagne. We're good.”

The ‘G.U.Y.’ singer, who is currently playing a string of shows at the Roseland Ballroom before it closes down, also shared how she gets her voice ready for live performances.

Gaga explained: “Well, my voice teacher Don Lawrence, who I've been with since I was like, I don't know, 13 years old, we still are together, and he's been my mentor for so long. So he warms me up before every show — either on the phone or in person — and I do the show. An hour before the show I start my vocal warm-ups.”

Lady Gaga will stream her final show from the Roseland Ballroom live tomorrow (April 5).

Watch Lady Gaga live in New York below:


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