Tuesday, December 2, 2014 1:59pm ET by  
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Lady Gaga reveals she was raped: 'It hit me so hard four or five years later, I was traumatised'

Pop megastar Lady Gaga has revealed that she was raped as a teenager during a very personal and intense interview with DJ Howard Stern this week. 

Speaking about the aftermath of the assault, which she described as 'traumatising and paralysing', the songstress explained that she was in shock for years and the reality of the situation hit home years later and almost destroyed her:

"It happens every day, and it's really scary, and it's sad. It didn't affect me as much right after as it did about four or five years later. It hit me so hard. I was so traumatised by it that I was like, 'Just keep going.' Because I just had to get out of there."

"I don't want to be defined by it. I'll be damned if somebody's gonna say that every creatively intelligent thing that I ever did is all boiled down to one d**khead who did that to me. I'm going to take responsibility for all my pain looking beautiful. All the things that I've made out of my strife, I did that."

She went onto admit that she has never confronted the man, who she explained is around 20 years older than her: "I think it would terrify me. It would paralyse me. I saw him one time in a store and I was so paralysed by fear. Because it wasn't until I was a little bit older that I went, 'Wow, that was really messed up.'"

"He told people that we used to date. You were 20 years older than me. I was a kid. How is that a date? It took me a long time to feel strong about it. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't tell anybody. And I didn't even tell myself for the longest time. And then I was like, 'You know what? All this drinking and all this nonsense, you have to go to the source, otherwise it just won't go away. It will not go away."

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Listen to part of the interview below:


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