Monday, November 17, 2014 11:50am ET by  
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Tinie Tempah joins forces with ChildLine for anti-bullying campaign

'Written In The Stars' hitmaker Tinie Tempah has teamed up with the kids' charity ChildLine for a new anti-bullying campaign. 

Speaking about the new partnership, which will see him front the CN Buddy Network program, he explained that he was particularly moved to get involved after witnessing bullying first hand while at school:

"I saw it happening when I was at school and by being there for the kid who was being picked on, I helped him see that he wasn't alone. Even if I only helped in some small way, I'm glad I did it. It's so important that kids understand that bullying is never acceptable and that it's okay to open up and talk about their experiences - whether they're being bullied or see someone being bullied. We all have it in us to help, simply by being friendly, kind and considerate to others."

Tinie, meanwhile, has filmed a series of short videos in which he opens up about how to recognise signs of bullying as well as how victims, friends of victims and onlookers should handle difficult situations. You can find out more about the campaign here

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Watch Tinie talking about his determination to help stop bullying here:


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