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Thursday, November 5, 2015 3:18pm ET by  
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Scooter Braun on Justin Bieber: 'He was in a dark place and I couldn't help'

Justin Bieber's long time manager Scooter Braun has revealed that he can't take credit for the young star's comeback because he had nothing to do with it. 

During a frank new interview with Billboard, Braun admitted that he was very worried about Bieber and for a while thought that there was nothing he could do to help him:

“I see people pointing, saying what a great job I did orchestrating his comeback. I’ll be frank. I failed for a year and a half. He shut himself off and went into a dark place. Every single day I tried to help him turn it around, and every single day I failed. And I tried desperately. The only person who deserves credit for this is Justin.”

“I couldn’t go to sleep during that time. Every night I was wondering, ‘Is something going to happen?’ I turned to my own dad and asked, ‘What do I do here?’ He said, ‘You just got to be a rock.’"

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Watch Bieber's music video for 'I'll Show You' here:


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