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Friday, February 19, 2016 12:34pm ET by  
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Kesha still hasn't been freed from Dr. Luke contract

Pop sensation Kesha Rose Sebert went to court earlier today (February 19) to fight against music producer Dr. Luke. 

In 2014, Kesha accused him of sexual abuse and refused to continue working with him as instructed by her record deal. She said that Dr. Luke drugged and raped her ten years ago and has also committed ongoing abuse, and she has since been fighting for an injunction that would allow her to record outside of Dr. Luke's contract.

Her attorneys explained to the court that pop stars tend to have a short shelf life commercially so if the injunction was denied, it could potentially ruin her career. New York Supreme Court Justice Shirley Kornreich was the judge assigned to the case today and ruled in the music producer's favour.

"You're asking the court to decimate a contract that was heavily negotiated and typical for the industry," said the judge to Kesha's attorney, Mark Geragos. 

When told that Dr. Luke had invested around $60 million in Kesha's career and allowed her to make music without his involvement, the judge said: "That decimates your argument. My instinct is to do the commercially reasonable thing."

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Watch Kesha talk about the case here:


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