Friday, November 19, 2010 10:57am ET by  
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Akon praises Lady Gaga's upcoming album

R&B star and rapper Akon has been given a personal preview of Lady Gaga’s upcoming new album, ‘Born This Way’, and think she’s taken her talent up a notch.

The ‘Smack That’ singer explains to Rolling Stone magazine:

“It's like she's slowly taking you on to this journey down this road. If she were to just drastically do it, she probably would have lost everybody from the first album, but once the sound was created and established, now we can use that as a tool to grab all the monsters and walk them down this graveyard. It's crazy. It's amazing.”

The record will be distributed through Akon’s Kon Live label and Gaga herself recently tweeted (November 17) on its progress:

“Endless melodies, hooks, + poetry sledge-hammering my skull. It won't be much longer, its almost perfect. But I (we) don't want almost.”

Watch Gaga perform a few seconds of her new album's title track here:


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