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Sunday, July 10, 2016 3:00pm ET by  
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Michelle Williams gets mixed up with the actress: 'It's ok because I adore her'

Destiny's Child singer Michelle Williams has confessed that sharing a name with a Hollywood actress has proven to be quite tricky at times. 

Speaking to Amazon's Style Code Live, she explained that the wrong invoices often find their way to her:

"I've had a $10,000 phone bill, too. And it's because, travelling overseas, I forgot to do the international package, and all of that stuff. So when I saw it (Michelle's phone bill), and I saw where the phone calls were to, I said, 'Oh no! That's not me, that's the other Michelle Williams'."

"I got another phone call, 'Did you buy this playhouse?' And it was like, in the thousands of dollars. I was like, if I have kids, they'll get the $400 playhouse! I'm not buying all this crazy stuff! So, I was like, 'That's for Matilda (Michelle Williams' daughter with the late Heath Ledger), not me...'"

She went onto add that she doesn't mind the frequent mix-ups, though, because she's a huge fan of the actress: "I absolutely adore Michelle. I think her acting, everything, all the unique things she does... she's been conquering Broadway too."

As previously reported, the BBC recently confirmed that Williams will take part in the Late Night Gospel Prom later this month. The highly anticipated musical event is set to take place at London's Royal Albert Hall on Tuesday, July 19 and in a statement, Williams said: "I can't wait to get to the Proms." 

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