Tuesday, June 7, 2011 10:46am ET by  
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Meat-free festival for Morrissey

Morrissey has managed to convince a festival he's confirmed to appear at in Belgium to ban meat from the site on the day of his performance. 

The vegetarian rocker will take the stage at Lokerse Feesten in Lokeren on August 4 and to honour the musician, the event's organisers have agreed not to sell burgers and sausages as part of what they've described politely as a "challenge". A spokesperson for the festival said:

"The addition of Morrissey to the line-up meant a welcomed catering challenge for one day. As more and more people are introducing veggie days in their diet, we considered one meatless-day out of 10 Lokerse Feesten days a healthy break for all. Our food stalls will be serving you an array of healthy vegetarian dishes."

Listen to Morrissey's interview with Dermot O'Leary, in which he bashes the recent royal wedding, here:


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