Tuesday, June 21, 2011 2:22am ET by  
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50 Cent to write anti-bullying book for teens

50 Cent has signed up to write an anti-bullying novel called ‘Playground’ which is aimed at teenagers.

The book, which is semi-autobiographical, will be published by Penguin Young Reader Group, and is expected to be released in January, 2012.

In a statement announcing the book's release, 50 Cent explained:  “I had a strong desire to write Playground because I wanted to explore how a kid becomes a bully."  He went on to say, "I drew on events from my own childhood and adolescence, but was excited to see the story take on its own life. This book would have been very helpful for me growing up and now that I have a teenage son, it is my goal that this will have a positive influence on all teenagers."

See 50 Cent being interviewed by Alexa Chung:


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