Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:51am ET by  
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George Michael opens up about his "gay collective" album

Iconic music star George Michael has revealed some more information on his "gay collective" album

Speaking to the NME, the 'Faith' singer explained that it will take a while to come together and finally get released, but it will be worth the wait:

"For this album I'm going to be working with either gay or gay friendly artists, and it'll be a mixture of tracks sung by me and others by young gay artists – possibly unknown ones. And I've lined up some really great dance producers to work on it too, so it'll be a pretty stunning record."

"I'll be 48 when the album comes out, but I have to say that gay men's relationship with dance music probably doesn’t end at the same time as straight people's does!"

Tweeting to his fans on August 2, he let them know that he is well into the rehearsals for his upcoming tour, "hey people, thought I'd let u know rehearsals are going great. Voice is back on track, rhythm section from New York is amazing!"

Check out his rendition of 'True Faith' here:


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