Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:18am ET by  
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Gavin Rossdale: 'I have to sacrifice family life for my band'

Bush frontman Gavin Rossdale has admitted to suffering from panic attacks when faced with leaving his wife, Gwen Stefani, and family to go on tour. 

The 'Love Remains The Same' singer told TheFirst3Songs.com that it's so hard to say goodbye to his two young sons (Kingston, 5, and Zuma, 3) and although it's great that Bush have reunited for a string of live gigs and to work on new material it's such a sacrifice to miss out on family life:

"(Leaving my kids behind is) a real challenge. That is a real difficult part that is very painful. It is most acute with the kids because they are five and three. A month is an eternity to them at that age, and to me too... It is really challenging. It is further proof that in life there is no free lunch and there is sacrifice to be made..."

"(Bush's success) is tinted with the fact that I am not going to see my kids until the end of October, and then only for four or five days. Then I have to go to Europe for a month. That's not complaining, it's just reality in everything you do. Anyone with a kid and a job knows what I am talking about... I had panic attacks at the beginning of it all thinking about being away from them, just the idea that I am away a lot is challenging."

Watch a recent interview with Rossdale here:


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