Thursday, November 1, 2012 2:28pm ET by  
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X Factor's James Arthur on what he wants in a woman

James Arthur, who is currently a finalist on Britain's The X Factor, has revealed what he looks for in a potential girlfriend.

The star, who recently explained that he's been getting a lot more female attention since being part of the popular TV talent show, confessed that he wants someone who can take care of him and he's interested in 'real ladies':

"I like women to be chilled out, real and not pretentious. I'd love someone who can look after me and is a real lady."

"I'm quite old fashioned when it comes to women. They should be respected."

Referring back to his 'old fashioned' stance on love and relationships, the singer added that sleeping with someone too soon can ruin any chance of true romance and there's too much pressure in modern society to do things quickly:

"There's too much pressure on people to have sex too soon. That can ruin the chance of longevity in a relationship."




Watch his recent performance from The X Factor here:



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